This is a list of scientific papers involving Panamanian amphibians and Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project staff or implementation team members as collaborators.
Voyles, J., Richards‐Zawacki, C., Byrne, A., Estrada, A., Ibáñez, R., Rodriguez, K. and Goldberg, C., 2025. Using Environmental DNA Sampling for Simultaneous Detection of Hosts and Their Pathogens: A Case Study With the Critically Endangered Frog Genus Atelopus. Animal Conservation.
Mantzana‐Oikonomaki, V., Rodríguez, A., Castillo‐Tamayo, G., Ibáñez, R. and Pröhl, H., 2024. Predator perception of aposematic and cryptic color morphs in two Oophaga species. Ecology and Evolution, 14(10), p.e70351.
Gray, H.M., Ibáñez, R., Barrios, H., Potvin, C., Olea, D., Casamá, A. and Salazar, I., 2024. Estudio de las ranas y sapos de las Tierras Colectivas del Río Balsas, Darién, Panamá. Tecnociencia, 26(1), pp.22-38.
Touchon, J.C., McMillan, W.O., Ibáñez, R. and Lessios, H.A., 2024. Flexible oviposition behavior enabled the evolution of terrestrial reproduction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(31), p.e2312371121.
Gray, H.M., Ibáñez, R., Barrios, H. and Potvin, C., 2024. Caught on camera: Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) predation on foam nests of Savage’s Thin-toed Frog, Leptodactylus savagei Heyer, 2005. Herpetology Notes, 17, pp.211-215.
Cossio, R., Ibáñez, R., Rodríguez, A. and Pröhl, H., 2024. Do sexes differ in consistent individual differences and behavioural syndrome in an aposematic poison frog?. Journal of Zoology.
Gratwicke, B., Baitchman, E., Evans, M., Guerrel, J., Ibáñez, R., Klaphake E., Riger, P., Ross. H., Wilson, B.2024. Building an Ark to Avoid Disease-Related Extinctions of Amphibians in Panama. Pages 73-80 in S.C. Walls and K.M. O’Donnell, editors. Strategies for Conservation Success in Herpetology. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, University Heights, OH, USA.
Bletz, M.C. Gratwicke, B., Belasen, A., Lampo, M., Vasudevan, K., Olson, D.,Catenazzi, A. & IUCN Amphibian Disease Working Group. Infectious diseases: Advances and challenges in addressing emerging pathogens chapter in The Amphibian Conservation Action Plan: A Status Review and Road Map for Global Amphibian Conservation . (eds Wren, S., Borzee, A., Marcec-Greaves, R., & Angulo, A). IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Amphibian Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland p148-175.
Rodriguez, C., Ibáñez, R., Olmedo, D.A., Ng. M., Spadafora, C., Durant-Archibold, A.A., Gutiérrez, M. (2023) Anti-trypanosomal bufadienolides from the oocytes of the toad Rhinella alata (Anura, Bufonidae). Molecules 29(1), 196.
Klocke, B., Garcés, O., Lassiter, E., Guerrel, J., Hertz, A., Illueca, E., Klaphake, E., Linhoff, L., Minbiole, K., Ross, H. and Tasca, J.A., Woodhams, D., Gratwicke, B., Ibáñez, R, 2023. Release trial of captive-bred variable harlequin frogs Atelopus varius shows that frogs disperse rapidly, are difficult to recapture and do not readily regain skin toxicity. Oryx, pp.1-13.
Monteiro, J.P., Ibáñez, R., Mantzana-Oikonomaki, V., Pröhl, H. and Rodríguez, A., 2023. Genetic diversity of Oophaga vicentei (Anura: Dendrobatidae) and taxonomic position of a remarkable color morph from Panama. SALAMANDRA, 59(4), pp.347-351.
Lötters, S., A. Plewnia, A. Catenazzi, K. Neam, A.R. Acosta-Galvis, Y. Alarcon Vela, J.P. Allen, J.O. Alfaro Segundo, A. de Lourdes Almendáriz Cabezas, G. Alvarado Barboza, K.R. Alves-Silva, M. Anganoy-Criollo, E. Arbeláez Ortiz, J.D. Arpi L., A. Arteaga, O. Ballestas, D. Barrera Moscoso, J.D. Barros-Castañeda, A. Batista, M.H. Bernal, E. Betancourt, Y.O. da Cunha Bitar, P. Böning, L. Bravo-Valencia, J.F. Cáceres Andrade, D. Cadenas, J.C. Chaparro Auza, G.A. Chaves-Portilla, G. Chávez, L.A. Coloma, C.F. Cortez-Fernandez, E.A. Courtois, J. Culebras, I. De la Riva, V. Diaz, L.C. Elizondo Lara, R. Ernst, S.V. Flechas, T. Foch, A. Fouquet, C.Z. García Méndez, J. E. García-Pérez, D.A. Gómez-Hoyos, S.C. Gomides, J. Guerrel, B. Gratwicke, J.M. Guayasamin, E. Griffith, V. Herrera-Alva, R. Ibáñez, C.I. Idrovo, A. Jiménez Monge, R.F. Jorge, A. Jung, B. Klocke, M. Lampo, E. Lehr, C.H.R. Lewis, E.D. Lindquist, Y.R. López-Perilla, G. Mazepa, G.F. Medina-Rangel, A. Merino Viteri, K. Mulder, M. Pacheco-Suarez, A. Pereira-Muñoz, J.L. Pérez-González, M.A. Pinto Erazo, A.G. Pisso Florez, M. Ponce, V. Poole, A.B. Quezada Riera, A.J. Quiroz, M. Quiroz-Espinoza, A. Ramírez Guerra, J.P. Ramírez, S. Reichle, H. Reizine, M. Rivera-Correa, B. Roca-Rey Ross, A. Rocha-Usuga, M.T. Rodrigues, S. Rojas Montaño, D.C. Rößler, L.A. Rueda Solano, C. Señaris, A. Shepack, F.R. Siavichay Pesántez, A. Sorokin, A. Terán-Valdez, G. Torres-Ccasani, P.C. Tovar-Siso, L.M. Valencia, D.A. Velásquez-Trujillo, M. Veith, P.J. Venegas, J. Villalba-Fuentes, R. von May, J.F. Webster Bernal & E. La Marca (2023): Ongoing harlequin toad declines suggest the amphibian extinction crisis is still an emergency. — Communications Earth and Environment, 4, 412.
Jennifer A. Luedtke, Janice Chanson, Kelsey Neam, Louise Hobin, Adriano O. Maciel, Alessandro Catenazzi, Amaël Borzée, Amir Hamidy, Anchalee Aowphol, Anderson Jean, Ángel Sosa-Bartuano, Ansel Fong G., Anslem de Silva, Antoine Fouquet, Ariadne Angulo, Artem A. Kidov, Arturo Muñoz Saravia, Arvin C. Diesmos, Atsushi Tominaga, Biraj Shrestha, Brian Gratwicke, Burhan Tjaturadi, Carlos C. Martínez Rivera, Carlos R. Vásquez Almazán, Celsa Señaris, Chandramouli S. R., Christine Strüssmann, Claudia Fabiola Cortez Fernández, Claudio Azat, Conrad J. Hoskin, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Damion L. Whyte, David J. Gower, Deanna H. Olson, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Diego José Santana, Elizah Nagombi, Elnaz Najafi-Majd, Evan S. H. Quah, Federico Bolaños, Feng Xie, Francisco Brusquetti, Francisco S. Álvarez, Franco Andreone, Frank Glaw, Franklin Enrique Castañeda, Fred Kraus, Gabriela Parra-Olea, Gerardo Chaves, Guido F. Medina-Rangel, Gustavo González-Durán, H. Mauricio Ortega-Andrade, Iberê F. Machado, Indraneil Das, Iuri Ribeiro Dias, J. Nicolas Urbina-Cardona, Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jian-Huan Yang, Jiang Jianping, Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal, Jodi J. L. Rowley, John Measey, Karthikeyan Vasudevan, Kin Onn Chan, Kotambylu Vasudeva Gururaja, Kristiina Ovaska, Lauren C. Warr, Luis Canseco-Márquez, Luís Felipe Toledo, Luis M. Díaz, M. Monirul H. Khan, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Manuel E. Acevedo, Marcelo Felgueiras Napoli, Marcos A. Ponce, Marcos Vaira, Margarita Lampo, Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz, Mark D. Scherz, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Masafumi Matsui, Maxon Fildor, Mirza D. Kusrini, Mohammad Firoz Ahmed, Muhammad Rais, N’Goran G. Kouamé, Nieves García, Nono Legrand Gonwouo, Patricia A. Burrowes, Paul Y. Imbun, Philipp Wagner, Philippe J. R. Kok, Rafael L. Joglar, Renoir J. Auguste, Reuber Albuquerque Brandão, Roberto Ibáñez, Rudolf von May, S. Blair Hedges, S. D. Biju, S. R. Ganesh, Sally Wren, Sandeep Das, Sandra V. Flechas, Sara L. Ashpole, Silvia J. Robleto-Hernández, Simon P. Loader, Sixto J. Incháustegui, Sonali Garg, Soumphthone Phimmachak, Stephen J. Richards, Tahar Slimani, Tamara Osborne-Naikatini, Tatianne P. F. Abreu-Jardim, Thais H. Condez, Thiago R. De Carvalho, Timothy P. Cutajar, Todd W. Pierson, Truong Q. Nguyen, Uğur Kaya, Zhiyong Yuan, Barney Long, Penny Langhammer & Simon N. Stuart 2023. Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats. Nature.
Otero, Y., Calatayud, N.E., Arcia, I.D., Mariscal, D., Samaniego, D., Rodríguez, K., Guerrel, J., Ibáñez, R. and Della Togna, G., 2023. Recovery and Characterization of Spermatozoa in a Neotropical, Terrestrial, Direct-Developing Riparian Frog (Craugastor evanesco) through Hormonal Stimulation. Animals, 13(17), p.2689.
Sreedharan, G., Singh Panwar, Y., Murthy, S., Klop-Toker, K., Ibáñez, R., Illueca, E.E., Webb, R., Govindappa, V., Subba, B., Segu, H. and Kumar Komanduri, K.P., 2023. A Universal and Efficient Detection of Chytridiomycosis Infections in Amphibians Using Novel Quantitative PCR Markers. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023, pp.1-9.
Klocke, B., Estrada, A., Mataya, M., Medina, D., Baitchman, E., Belden, L., Guerrel, J., Evans, M., Baughman, J. and Connette, G., Illueca, E., Ibáñez, R., Gratwicke, B. 2023. Movement and survival of captive-bred Limosa Harlequin frog (Atelopus limosus) released into the wild. Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science, 1, p.1205938.
Kaganer AW, Ossiboff RJ, Keith NI, Schuler KL, Comizzoli P, Hare MP, Fleischer RC, Gratwicke B, Bunting EM. Immune priming prior to pathogen exposure sheds light on the relationship between host, microbiome and pathogen in disease. Royal Society Open Science. 2023 Feb 1;10(2):220810.
Campbell Grant, E.H., Amburgey, S.M., Gratwicke, B., Chaves, V.A., Belasen, A.M., Bickford, D., Brühl, C.A., Calatayud, N.E., Clemann, N., Clulow, S. and Crnobrnja‐Isailovic, J., et al. 2023.Priority research needs to inform amphibian conservation in the Anthropocene. Conservation Science and Practice, p.e12988.
Higgins, K. and Ibanez, R., 2022. Description of two dendrobatid tadpoles (Anura: Dendrobatidae: Andinobates and Oophaga) with comments on egg clutches. Zootaxa, 5175(3), pp.395-400.
Springborn, M.R., Weill, J.A., Lips, K.R., Ibáñez, R. and Ghosh, A., 2022. Amphibian collapses increased malaria incidence in Central America. Environmental Research Letters, 17(10), p.104012.
Hughey, M.C., Rebollar, E.A., Harris, R.N., Ibáñez, R., Loftus, S.C., House, L.L., Minbiole, K.P., Bletz, M.C., Medina, D., Shoemaker, W.R. and Swartwout, M.C., 2022. An experimental test of disease resistance function in the skin-associated bacterial communities of three tropical amphibian species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98(3), p.fiac023.
Estrada, A., Medina, D; Gratwicke, B, Ibáñez, R, Belden, L (2022) Body condition, skin bacterial communities and disease status: Insights from the first release trial of the Limosa harlequin frog, Atelopus limosus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Kueneman, J., Bletz, M., Becker, M., Gratwicke, B., Garcés, O.A., Hertz, A., Holden, W.M., Ibáñez, R., Loudon, A., McKenzie, V. and Parfrey, L., 2022. Effects of captivity and rewilding on amphibian skin microbiomes. Biological Conservation, 271, p.109576.
Gray, H.M., Green, D.M. and Ibáñez, R., 2021. Diurnal calling in a nocturnal frog: exceptional calling activity of Túngara Frogs (Engystomops pustulosus) on the Panamanian island of Taboga. Herpetologica, 77(3), pp.227-231.
Gratwicke B. 2021 Context matters in the fight to save frogs. In Meshaka, W (ed) Exotic herpetofauna of United States. The John Hopkins University Press (book chapter).
Gratwicke B. 2020. Building an Amphibian Ark in Panama in Wiens, J., Scott, M., Goble, D. Shepherding Nature: The Challenge of Conservation Reliance Cambridge University Press.
Byrne, A.Q., Richards‐Zawacki, C.L., Voyles, J., Bi, K., Ibáñez, R. and Rosenblum, E.B., 2021. Whole exome sequencing identifies the potential for genetic rescue in iconic and critically endangered Panamanian harlequin frogs. Global Change Biology, 27(1), pp.50-70.
Rodriguez, C., Ibáñez, R., Mojica, L., Ng, M., Spadafora, C., Durant-Archibold, A.A. and Gutiérrez, M., 2021. Bufadienolides from the Skin Secretions of the Neotropical Toad Rhinella alata (Anura: Bufonidae): Antiprotozoal Activity against Trypanosoma cruzi. Molecules, 26(14), p.4217.
Higgins, K., Guerrel, J., Lassiter, E., Mooers, A., Palen, W.J. and Ibáñez, R., 2021. Observations on spindly leg syndrome in a captive population of Andinobates geminisae. Zoo Biology, 40(4), pp.330-341.
Hughey, M.C., Rebollar, E.A., Harris, R.N., Ibáñez, R., Loftus, S.C., House, L.L., Minbiole, K.P., Bletz, M.C., Medina, D., Shoemaker, W.R. and Swartwout, M.C., 2022. An experimental test of disease resistance function in the skin-associated bacterial communities of three tropical amphibian species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98(3), p.fiac023.
Gray, H.M., Green, D.M. and Ibáñez, R., 2021. Diurnal Calling in a Nocturnal Frog: Exceptional Calling Activity of Túngara Frogs (Engystomops pustulosus) on the Panamanian Island of Taboga. Herpetologica, 77(3), pp.227-231.
Becker, M.H., Brophy, J.A.N., Barrett, K, Bronikowski, E., Evans, M., Glassey, E., Klocke, B. Lassiter, E., Meyer, A.J., Kaganer, A.W., Muletz-Wolz, C.R., Fleischer, R.C., Voigt, C.A., and Gratwicke, B. Genetically modifying skin microbe to produce violacein and augmenting microbiome did not defend Panamanian golden frogs from disease. ISME Communications
Smilansky, V., Jirků, M., Milner, D.S., Ibáñez, R., Gratwicke, B., Nicholls, A., Lukeš, J., Chambouvet, A. and Richards, T.A., 2021. Expanded host and geographic range of tadpole associations with the Severe Perkinsea Infection group. Biology Letters, 17(6), p.20210166.
Rodriguez, C., Ibáñez, R., Rollins-Smith, L.A., Gutiérrez, M. and Durant-Archibold, A.A., 2020. Antimicrobial Secretions of Toads (Anura, Bufonidae): Bioactive Extracts and Isolated Compounds against Human Pathogens. Antibiotics, 9(12), p.843.
Kelehear, C., Ibáñez, R., Rodríguez, C., Buitrago, S. and Durant-Archibold, A.A., 2020. Sarcophagid Myiasis in the Bufonid Rhinella alata in Panama. Journal of wildlife diseases, 56(3), pp.667-672.
Della Togna, G., Howell, L.G., Clulow, J., Langhorne, C.J., Marcec-Greaves, R. and Calatayud, N.E., 2020. Evaluating amphibian biobanking and reproduction for captive breeding programs according to the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan objectives. Theriogenology, 150, pp.412-431.
Martin H, C., Ibáñez, R., Nothias, L.F., Caraballo-Rodríguez, A.M., Dorrestein, P.C. and Gutiérrez, M., 2020. Metabolites from Microbes Isolated from the Skin of the Panamanian Rocket Frog Colostethus panamansis (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Metabolites, 10(10), p.406.
Yovanovich, C.A., Pierotti, M.E., Kelber, A., Jorgewich-Cohen, G., Ibáñez, R. and Grant, T., 2020. Lens transmittance shapes ultraviolet sensitivity in the eyes of frogs from diverse ecological and phylogenetic backgrounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1918), p.20192253.
Ramírez, J.P., Jaramillo, C.A., Lindquist, E.D., Crawford, A.J. and Ibáñez, R., 2020. Recent and rapid radiation of the highly endangered harlequin frogs (Atelopus) into Central America inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Diversity, 12(9), p.360.
Rodríguez, A., Mundy, N.I., Ibáñez, R. and Pröhl, H., 2020. Being red, blue and green: the genetic basis of coloration differences in the strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio). BMC genomics, 21, pp.1-16.
Savage, A.E., Gratwicke, B., Hope, K., Bronikowski, R.E., Fleischer, R.C. 2020. Sustained immune activation is associated with susceptibility to the amphibian chytrid fungus. Molecular Ecology DOI: 10.1111/mec.15533
Lassiter, E., Garcés, O., Higgins, K., Baitchman, E., Evans, M., Guerrel, J., Klaphake, E., Snellgrove, D., Ibáñez, R. and Gratwicke, B., 2020. Spindly leg syndrome in Atelopus varius is linked to environmental calcium and phosphate availability. PloS one, 15(6), p.e0235285.
Rodriguez, C., Ibáñez, R., Ng, M., Spadafora, C., Durant-Archibold, A.A. and Gutiérrez, M., 2020. 19-Hydroxy-bufalin, a major bufadienolide isolated from the parotoid gland secretions of the Panamanian endemic toad Rhinella centralis (bufonidae), inhibits the growth of Trypanosoma cruzi. Toxicon.
Mendoza, A.M., Bolívar-García, W., Vázquez-Domínguez, E., Ibáñez, R., Parra Olea, G., 2019. The role of Central American barriers in shaping the evolutionary history of the northernmost glassfrog, Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni (Anura: Centrolenidae). PeerJ 7:e6115.
Medina, D., Ibáñez, R., Lips, K.R. and Crawford, A.J., 2019. Amphibian diversity in Serranía de Majé, an isolated mountain range in eastern Panamá. ZooKeys, 859, p.117.
Browne RK, Silla AJ, Upton R, Della-Togna G, Marcec-Greaves R, Shishova NV, Uteshev VK, Proaño B, Pérez OD, Mansour N, Kaurova SA. Sperm collection and storage for the sustainable management of amphibian biodiversity. Theriogenology. 2019 Jul 15;133:187-200.
Lewis CHR., Richards-Zawacki CL., Ibáñez R., Luedtke J., Voyles J., Houser P., Gratwicke B. 2019 Conserving Panamanian harlequin frogs by integrating captive-breeding and research programs. Biological Conservation 236, 180–187. (doi:10.1016/J.BIOCON.2019.05.029)
Scheele, B.C., Pasmans, F., Skerratt, L.F., Berger, L., Martel, A., Beukema, W., Acevedo, A.A., Burrowes, P.A., Carvalho, T., Catenazzi, A., De la Riva, I., Fisher, M.C., Flechas, S. V, Foster, C.N., Frías-Álvarez, P., Garner, T.W.J., Gratwicke, B., Guayasamin, J.M., Hirschfeld, M., Kolby, J.E., Kosch, T.A., La Marca, E., Lindenmayer, D.B., Lips, K.R., Longo, A. V, Maneyro, R., McDonald, C.A., Mendelson, J., Palacios-Rodriguez, P., Parra-Olea, G., Richards-Zawacki, C.L., Rödel, M.-O., Rovito, S.M., Soto-Azat, C., Toledo, L.F., Voyles, J., Weldon, C., Whitfield, S.M., Wilkinson, M., Zamudio, K.R., Canessa, S., 2019. Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity. Science Vol. 363, Issue 6434, pp. 1459-1463
C. Martin, Ibáñez, R., Nothias, L.F., Reinert, L.K., Rollins-Smith, L.A., Dorrestein, P.C. and Gutiérrez, M., 2019. Viscosin-like lipopeptides from frog skin bacteria inhibit Aspergillus fumigatus and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis detected by imaging mass spectrometry and molecular networking. Scientific Reports, 9(1), p.3019.
Camperio Ciani JF, Guerrel J, Baitchman E, Diaz R, Evans M, Ibañez R, Ross H, Klaphake E, Nissen B, Pessier AP, Power ML, Arlotta C, Snellgrove D, Wilson B, Gratwicke B (2018) The relationship between spindly leg syndrome incidence and water composition, overfeeding, and diet in newly metamorphosed harlequin frogs (Atelopus spp.). PLoS ONE 13(10): e0204314.
DiRenzo, G.V., Tunstall, T.S., Ibáñez, R., Longo, A.V., Zamudio, K.R. and Lips, K.R., 2018. External Reinfection of a Fungal Pathogen Does not Contribute to Pathogen Growth. EcoHealth, pp.1-12.
Woodhams, D.C., LaBumbard, B.C., Barnhart, K.L., Becker, M.H., Bletz, M.C., Escobar, L.A., Flechas, S.V., Forman, M.E., Iannetta, A.A., Joyce, M.D. and Rabemananjara, F., Gratwicke, B., Vences, M., Minbiole, K.P.C. 2018. Prodigiosin, violacein, and volatile organic compounds produced by widespread cutaneous bacteria of amphibians can inhibit two Batrachochytrium fungal pathogens. Microbial ecology, 75(4), pp.1049-1062.
Voyles, J., Woodhams, D.C., Saenz, V., Byrne, A.Q., Perez, R., Rios-Sotelo, G., Ryan, M.J., Bletz, M.C., Sobell, F.A., McLetchie, S. and Reinert, L., Rosenblum, E.B., Rollins-Smith, L.A. Ibáñez, R., Ray, J.M., Griffith, E.J., Ross, H., Richards-Zawacki, C.L. 2018. Shifts in disease dynamics in a tropical amphibian assemblage are not due to pathogen attenuation. Science, 359(6383), pp.1517-1519.
Della Togna, G., Gratwicke, B., Evans, M., Augustine, L., Chia, H., Bronikowski, E., Murphy, J.B. and Comizzoli, P., 2018. Influence of extracellular environment on the motility and structural properties of spermatozoa collected from hormonally stimulated Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki). Theriogenology, 108, pp.153-160.
Varela, B.J., Lesbarrères, D., Ibáñez, R. and Green, D.M., 2018. Environmental and host effects on skin bacterial community composition in Panamanian frogs. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, p.298.
Becker, M.H. and Gratwicke, B., 2017. Minimum lethal concentration of sodium hypochlorite for the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. PloS one, 12(4), p.e0176439.
Ibáñez RD, Griffith EJ, Lips KR, Crawford AJ. Altitudinal distribution and advertisement call of Colostethus latinasus (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae), endemic species from eastern Panama and type species of Colostethus , with a molecular assessment of similar sympatric species. Zootaxa. 2017;4254: 91–101.
Rodríguez C, Rollins-Smith L, Ibáñez R, Durant-Archibold AA, Gutiérrez M. Toxins and pharmacologically active compounds from species of the family Bufonidae (Amphibia, Anura). J Ethnopharmacol. Elsevier; 2017;198: 235–254.
Varela BJ, Lesbarrères DA, Ibáñez R, Green DM. Environmental and host effects on skin bacterial community composition in Panamanian frogs. Front Microbiol. Frontiers; 2018;9: 298. doi:10.3389/FMICB.2018.00298
Woodhams DC, LaBumbard BC, Barnhart KL, Becker MH, Bletz MC, Escobar LA, et al. (2017) Prodigiosin, Violacein, and Volatile Organic Compounds Produced by Widespread Cutaneous Bacteria of Amphibians Can Inhibit Two Batrachochytrium Fungal Pathogens. Microb Ecol. 2017; doi:10.1007/s00248-017-1095-7
Della Togna G, Gratwicke B, Evans M, Augustine L, Chia H, Bronikowski E, et al. (2017) Influence of extracellular environment on the motility and structural properties of spermatozoa collected from hormonally stimulated Panamanian Golden Frog (Atelopus zeteki). Theriogenology. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2017.11.032
Becker, M.H. & Gratwicke B. (2017) Minimum lethal concentration of sodium hypochlorite on Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Plos One.12(4): e0176439.
Gratwicke, B. & Murphy, J. (2017) History of Captive Management and Conservation Amphibian Programs Mostly in Zoos and Aquariums. Part I—Anurans. Herpetological Review. 48:1 138-157
Gratwicke, B. & Murphy, J. (2016) Amphibian Conservation Efforts at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park and Conservation Biology Institute. Herpetological Review. 47:4 620-627
Della Togna, G., Trudeau, V.L, Gratwicke, B., Evans, M., Augustine, L., Chiaa, H., Bronikowski, E., Murphy, J.B., & Comizzoli, P (2016) Effect of hormonal stimulation on the quantity and quality of excreted spermatozoa in the Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki). Theriogenology. 91: 27-35
Rodríguez-Brenes S, Rodriguez D, Ibáñez R, Ryan MJ. (2016) Spread of amphibian chytrid fungus across lowland populations of túngara frogs in Panamá. PloS one. 11(5):e0155745.
Pereyra MO, Baldo D, Blotto BL, Iglesias PP, Thomé MT, Haddad CF, Barrio‐Amorós C, Ibáñez R, Faivovich J. (2016) Phylogenetic relationships of toads of the Rhinella granulosa group (Anura: Bufonidae): a molecular perspective with comments on hybridization and introgression. Cladistics. 32(1):36-53.
Rebollar EA, Hughey MC, Medina D, Harris RN, Ibáñez R, Belden LK. (2016) Skin bacterial diversity of Panamanian frogs is associated with host susceptibility and presence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. The ISME journal. 10: 1682-1695.
Rodríguez C, Rollins-Smith L, Ibáñez R, Durant-Archibold AA, Gutiérrez M. (2016) Toxins and pharmacologically active compounds from species of the family Bufonidae (Amphibia, Anura). Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 198:235–254.
Savage AE, Terrell KA, Gratwicke B, Mattheus NM, Augustine L, Fleischer RC. (2016) Reduced immune function predicts disease susceptibility in frogs infected with a deadly fungal pathogen. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cow011.
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Becker, Matthew H., Walke, Jenifer B., Cikanek, Shawna, Savage, Anna E., Mattheus, Nichole, Santiago, Celina N., Minbiole, Kevin P. C., Harris, Reid N., Belden, Lisa K. and Gratwicke, Brian. 2015. Composition of symbiotic bacteria predicts survival in Panamanian golden frogs infected with a lethal fungus, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 282: 20142881.
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