Mar 18 Frogs Are Going Extinct – Here’s How We Can Save Them | WILD HOPE PBS
Feb 15 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo raises $5 million through Quarters for Conservation Program KKTV
Feb 14 How the Smithsonian National Zoo is working to save one species before it is too late Investigate TV
Dec 19 Rain, Rivers and Radiotrackers: Releasing Captive-Bred Harlequin Frogs Into the Wild Smithsonian voices
Nov 25 NPR Instagram Interview with Dr. Brian Gratwicke on the Global Amphibian Assessment
Nov 10 Critical Conservation Sites STRI news
April 27 Frog Fertility Clinic STRI news
April 3 Join the Amphibian Bioblitz/ Build your own vernal pool Sci-starter
Feb 21 As Fatal Fungus Takes Its Toll, Can We Save Frog Species on the Brink? Yale 360
Dec 2 Episode 116 Amphibian Disease Mitigation Strategies with Brian Gratwicke Amphibicast (1 hr podcast episode)
Oct 5 Losing amphibians may be tied to spikes in human malaria cases Science News
November 5 Is a “Living Pharmacy” the Key to Curing Chytrid in Frogs? Smithsonian’s National Zoo News
June 30 Species Spotlight: Will the Panamanian Golden Frog Survive? The Revelator
April “A Small Band of Panamanian Golden Frogs Is Saving Their Species From Oblivion” Smithsonian Magazine
Sept 13 “Superfungus” threatens last Panamanian golden frogs Agence-France Press
Chytridiomycosis guide: what it is and why it’s endangering amphibians Discover wildlife (BBC)
April 5 Rewriting Frogs’ Future with Science National Zoo News
March 28 The Worst Disease Ever Recorded The Atlantic (picked up by 117 news outlets)
March 1 Silence of the frogs (Podcast) Smithsonian’s Sidedoor
May 17 Some endangered frogs may be jumping back from extinction Washington Post
April 4 Panamanian frogs evolve to cope with a lethal skin-eating disease Pacific Standard
April Frog reintroduction seeks chytrid-fungus answers Eco Americas
March 29 Frogs are fighting back against deadly fungus responsible for ‘amphibian extinction crisis’ The Independent
March 29 What stops mass extinctions? Lessons from amphibian die-off in Panama Science Daily
Feb 2 These Captive-Bred Frogs Are Facing Predators and the Chytrid Fungus to Make It in the Wild Smithsonian.com
Jan 22 Hundreds of Tiny Frogs Released on a Mission to Save Their Species (Video) National Geographic
Jan 18 Frogs Tote Tiny Radios Released on a Mission to Save their Species National Geographic
Sept 27 Silence of the Frogs Golden Goose Awards
July 13 Arks of the Apocalypse NY Times.
June 6 A Pioneering Force of Harlequin Frogs Set Out to Help Save Their Species Smithsonian Magazine
June 5 Scientists release frogs wearing mini radio transmitters Smithsonian Insider
Feb 10 Here’s Why You Should Never Kiss a Toad Smithsonian Magazine
June 6 Golden Frog Launches Campaign to Help Save the Panamanian Golden Frog in Support of the Smithsonian’s Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project EIN news.
Feb 13 A Ban on Salamanders Is Just Part of the Fight Against This Deadly Fungus. Smithsonian Magazine
Jan 7 Farming frogs can save them from Extinction. Take Part
Dec 31 Building noahs arks for Panamas amphibians with Heidi Ross Conservation Carreers
Nov 11 The Amphibian Research and Conservation Centre – a successful amphibian conservation initiative in Panama Frogs and Friends.
July 30 What it’s like to watch a species go extinct. Wired
April 22 Researcher: New Panama lab a boost to conservation efforts Northern Virginia Daily
April 15 New Amphibian Rescue Lab in Panama Smithsonian Science (Video)
April 8 The Race to Protect Frogs from a Deadly Pathogen Gets a Much-Needed Boost Smithsonian magazine
Mar 18 Can Probiotic Bacteria Save An Endangered Frog? National Geographic Phenomena
Mar 9 New Poison Dart Frog Bred in Captivity for First Time Discovery News
Dec 8 In modern amphibian ark, new species added with due diligence. Smithsonian Science
Sept 27 Andinobates Geminisae: New Poison Dart Frog Species Discovered In Panama Science 2.0
Sept 12 Panamanian Golden Frog Day Smithsonian National Zoo reports from the field
Aug 8 STRI Newsletter, Golden Frog Festival Edition
April 21 Golden Frog Conservation Workshop Froglog
Aug 14 Success: Panama’s golden frog bred in captivity Smithsonian Science
Aug 14 Golden Frog Day: Supporting Frog Conservation Vetstreet
March 28 Endangered frogs get helping hand National Geographic News
March 22 A Rescue Mission for Amphibians at the Brink of Extinction Science Magazine
Jan 7 Researcher from Maine Makes Leaps with Frog Study Maine Public Broadcasting Network
Jan 2 Scientists race to save endangered frogs from lethal fungus Southern California Public Radio
Dec 31 Scientists try to save the frogs as time runs out Washington Post
Nov 1 Ruta hacia la conservación La Prensa
Sept 3, 2012 The final wave of the Golden Frog The Guardian Newspaper
August 20, 2012 La rana dorada panameña, en situación crítica a causa de un hongo mortal El Nuevo Herald (and 23 related articles covering Golden Frog Day in Spanish publications).
August 15, 2012 Celebration of Golden Frog Day Held in Panama Xinhuanet (China)
August 15, 2012 Panama trying to save the golden frog THV Tv
June 1, 2012 Zoo works to save frogs from extinction Nick News with Linda Ellerbee
May 28, 2012 Noah’s Ark built to save frogs in peril Today show
May 23, 2012 Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project, Froglog 102 p 16-20, IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group
April 17, 2012 Scientists in Panama Searching for a Cure for Deadly Amphibian Disease. Rainforest Alliance Eco-exchange
April 9, 2012 The race to get rainforest frogs into arks BBC
Feb 22, 2012 Scientists rush to save exotic frogs from spreading disease Public Radio International
Jan 18, 2012 Exploring career options: Wildlife Biologist Imagine Magazine interviews Dr. Brian Gratwicke.
Jan 6, 2012 Microbes may come to rescue of endangered frogs NPR’s Metro Connection (WAMU 88.5)
Jan 3, 2011 From Opossums to Gorillas NY Times
Oct 30 Smithsonian documentary features JMU professor and students’ efforts to cure deadly amphibian disease breezejmu.org
Oct 13 Mission Critical: Amphibian Rescue (Documentary) Smithsonian Networks
Sept 17 Conservationists Trying to Save, Reproduce Endangered FrogsVOA News
July 29 From Washington to Panama: The Global Fight to Save Frogs WAMU 88.5
July 16 Crisis in the Amphibian World WAMU 88.5 radio interview
July 6 Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project’s Cutest Frogs! ARKive
June 20 Panamá: lucha sin cuartel por salvar anfibios de un hongo letal BBC
June 14 Chytrid fungus spreads to last protected region New Scientist
June 14 Amphibian fungus conquers neotropics Nature
June 12 Harlequin Frog Could Go Extinct in Panama Care2
June 11 Factbox: Frog chytrid, bane of endangered amphibians Reuters
June 11 Frog Faces Last Stand in Panama Against Killer Fungus Reuters
May 31 Citizen Scientists and Social Media Aim to Help Prevent Frog Extinctions Scientific American
April 28 Scientists scramble to save dying amphibians Monga Bay
April 27 Smithsonian Snapshot: Strawberry Dart Frog We love DC
Feb 28 Breeding Rare Toads for an Amphibian Ark Zooborns
Feb 24 Zoo team returns from Panama frog trip Colorado Connection (Fox 21)
Feb 10 Zoo team heads to Panama to save frogs Colorado Connection (Fox 21)
Winter 2011 Rescue at Toad Mountain Defenders of Wildlife Magazine (with great online slideshow)
December 6 Bedrohte Baumfrösche leben zur Nachzucht im Labor Welt (German)
December 4 Heska pledges $25,000 to contest winner Coloradoan
November 19 Reprodução em cativeiro para salvar rã ameaçada DNCIENCIA
November 18 Endangered tree frog bred for the first time New Scientist.
October 26 The international trade in frog legs and the spread of amphibian pathogens Ecological Society of America Podcast (Panama project discussed at end)
October 14 Pocket Frogs hits 2m downloads, adds social features, raises money for real-life frogs TUAW
August 24 Nuevas especies de ranas desafían a la ciencia Hora Cero
August 17 Amphibian Rescue Effort 9 News WUSA (CBS)
August 16 Amphibian Rescue In Panama Fox News
August 13 The gift of the golden frog Oregonian
August 9 SNI distinguishes 3 STRI Scientists STRI News
July 30 Zoo Springs into Action to Save Frogs NPR
July 29 New frog species pose challenge for conservation project in Panama Smithsonian Science
July 22 Top 10 Science Volunteer Positions Around the Smithsonian Smithsonian Magazine
June Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Newsletter
May 28 Newly Discovered Species of Frog Already Threatened with Extinction Christian Science Monitor
May 24 Two new frog species discovered in Panama’s fungal war zone Smithsonian Science
May 22 Diversidad biológica, poco valorada La Prensa
May 21 Acciones para rescate de anfibios en Panamá La Prensa
May 20 Contenedores refrigerados ayudan a salvar a anfibios en América La Estrella
May 10 Panamanian Golden Frog Threatened by Rapidly-Spreading Fungus National Geographic Inside Wild
May 7 Contenedores refrigerados ayudan a salvar a anfibios en América Nacion
April 23 Una verde distinción Ellas
April 23 Shipping industry sends help as project in Panama tackles amphibian crisis Smithsonian Science
April 15 New lizard species named for Smithsonian scientist The Torch
March 19 Rana dorada tendrá su día El Siglo Panamá
March 9 Fighting the “Amphibian Armageddon” KRCC Public radio
March 1 Panama Amphibian Rescue Expedition AZA Connect Magazine (Membership required)
February 21 Atención al cese de los cantos de ranas La Prensa
January 20 Frogs and Boats are Friends National Geographic Traveler
January 11 10 Wildlife success stories of the last decade Animal Planet
January 03 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo team rescuing frogs croaking from deadly fungus Denver Post
December 15 Survey flags up wildlife decline in Panama jungles Cool Earth
December 10 What should Obama do with the Nobel Money? Washington Post
December 8 Detectan la presencia de un hongo letal que amenaza a las ranas panameñasADN
December 7 Científicos advierten grave amenaza para las ranas en Panamá Nacion.com
December 7 Descubren en Panamá hongo letal para ranas Milenio
December 7 Descubrieron hongo quítrido en ranas de Panamá Hora Cero (Panama)
December 4 Urgent fight against frog fungus may be too late Associated Press carried in 11 outlets.
December 4 Time running out for many amphibians Colorado springs Gazette
December 4 Lucha contra micosis en ranas empezó demasiado tarde telemetro.com
November 25 Un hongo amenaza la supervivencia de las ranas, con ayuda de los gastrónomos EFE
October 25 Amphibian Ark Husbandry Essentials Workshop, El Valle de Anton, Panama, October 23-25 Amphibian Ark newsletter
October 23 Life and death play out on skins of frogs Science Magazine
October 19th Catching a killer one spore at a time Science Codex
October 17th There’s a fungus among us National Geographic Weekend Radio www.NGWeekend.comSeptember 19th Probiotics Radio Interview with Reid Harris and Kevin Minbiole With Good Reason
August 25 Deadly frog fungus targeted by amphibian experts IUCN
July 28 Amphibians “Near Perfect Ecological Citizens” in Crisis Audubon Naturalist News (pdf)
Summer Defenders in Action: Amphibian Rescue Underway Defenders of Wildlife Magazine
June 18 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: Father’s Day Events Fox21
June 17 What’s with the giant frog in Colorado Springs? KOAA.com
June 4 Panamanian Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Tiger Tail Foods (Blog)
June 3 Probiotic bug could save frogs from fungus New Scientist
June 1 Eye of the Crisis American Way
May 29 Ibáñez selected as ARC director for Panama STRI Newsletter
May 25 The sixth extinction NewYorker
May 24 Saving amphibians on the brink of extinction The Torch
May 18 Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Embassy of Panama, USA
May 16 Partners Launch Panama Amphibian Rescue, Conservation Project Philanthropy News Digest
May 15 Frog Saver The Scientist (Registration required)
May 15 Frogs under threat Courier Mail (Austrailia)
May 15 Fighting amphibian extinctions davidmixner.com (blog)
May 14 Zoo leaps into action to save amphibians Stoneham Sun
May 13 Scientists to rescue frogs Panama Star
May 12 Frog Fungus the Latest in Worldwide Amphibian Declines Spatial Sustain (blog)
May 12 Eight Institutions Join Together to Save Amphibians with the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project AZA news
May 11 Project launched to fight frog-killing fungus AP (carried by 183 outlets)
May 11 Inician proyecto para combatir hongo que mata ranas AP piece in Spanish
May 11 Artenschützer wollen Frösche vor Pilzerkrankung retten AP piece in German
May 11 Zoo is part of effort going to Panama to rescue frog species Colorado Springs Gazette
May 11 Photos of the Day Christian Science Monitor
May 11 Smithsonian starts frog rescue project Washington Times
March/April Leaping to their Aid Zoogoer